Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advice: how can I make money online or working from home?

I wonder if someone can really make money online or working from home?

no scam, please. just honest advice...and point of views.Advice: how can I make money online or working from home?
I'm still new to yahoo here, so I can't tell you what I do from home personally. But I can refer you over to a couple of people who are in the same industry as I am in. There are actually quite a few different ways you can work from home. One is a call center, the pay is minimum wage and you have to lock into curtain time slots. I did this for a while and it does pay, but the pay is minimal.

The other way to work from home, is to start up your own business. A simple home based business you actually can make an incredible income in. Surprising, You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business has, but without all the over head expenses. The majority of the things you use in your house on a daily bases, becomes tax write off's.

I found the best type of home based business is in the telecommunications industry because everyone uses (male or female, child or teen) uses the products every day. What we did was partner up with a 15 year old company that is world wide. The largest direct selling Telecommunication service provider in the world. They are 15 years old with head quarters in Farmington Hills Michigan, Charlotte North Carolina, Amsterdam, Sydney and Montreal. They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it's first five years. They are registered with the BBB.

They market in services people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long Distance telephones, Internet, Digital, video phones, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT%26amp;T, Sprint, Nextell, Altell etc as well. We save people money and make money at the same time. Every single month these people pay their bills, we make a percentage over and over again each month. Donald Trump has endorsed our company and uses the services as well. You can work off line or on line etc.

How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services or products? . A lot of people right? You can save them money and make money.

If this is an industry that you would like to learn more about, you should contact Mrs Vague at tvague@seafaringopportunities.orgAdvice: how can I make money online or working from home?
I've been involved with a site for a while that rewards cash for simple tasks that take a mere couple of minutes. Most opportunities like this are scams, obviously, but, finally, I am glad to be able to say that I have found a legitimate website where one can make a decent amount of money without much work at all. Unlike scam sites, this one actually pays you when you earn your money. The minimum cash out is only $10, which is amazing! Again, I must stress how easy this site is to use, and I must also stress how legitimate it is. Why? Because I know how it feels to be scammed over and over. The links below will take you to the website. Have fun and enjoy your earnings. =)
Wow, the kind of question you are asking here makes you really vulnerable because people who are hungry for your money will be here presenting to you with many opportunities which some could be scam.


Make sure you research for whatever opportunity that is presented to you before you decide to head on for it or even pay for a scam like me a couple of months ago. Just go to google and type in the ';opportunity'; followed by the word ';scam';.

In case you didn't notice all the answers given so far all have referral links in them. Meaning that they make money when you buy there program(most are scams).

I Use this site to make about 10 thousand every month!

I could give you my referral link...but I want you to realize this is a real opportunity! And you will make money!


See theres no referral link!

I am not gaining anything by writing this, I just truly want to help you be as successfull as I have been online.

So heres the link it will make you thousands ,if you apply yourself, I promise!



I've been doing some work with the past week, all the work is home based, data entry, transcription etc. The only thing is you're competing against people from countries where the hourly rate of pay is a lot lower, so not sure if it would be worth it for you.

Also have a look at the jobs listed here, most are appicable to us,canada,europe, its quite good, thats where I found the above link.

Its been updated today to include some Craft type jobs which can be done from home, mainly re-distribution, but it possible to make good money from it if you work hard.

So many online jobs are out there. In fact, to do any online job, you need not want to invest anything. Make sure, you dont pay anything to get jobs online. It is just that need to pick the one that suits you the best. I hope this helps you and--%26gt;I believe you will find the online job that you love the most. Thanks
I have a legitimate social networking site you might be interested in. It's a fun place and the people are very friendly! I have been a member for a little over a month now and have been paid every Monday since joining. The past three weeks, in addition to being paid on Mondays, I've also been paid on Thursdays! If you're interested, let me know. Good luck!
there are lots of ways to make money online like blogging, advertising programs, sale on eBay, affiliate marketing, online surveys, ebook publishing,... check these two websites. they provide lots of information and ideas to make money online. Hope it helps you.
MakeMoneyStudio is very different from all other programs

because it鈥檚 membership is FREE. There is no catch. I鈥檝e tried it very recently and it is, in fact, free. This should be the first program you explore before buying anything else. It鈥檚 always great to learn free information first and then move on to paid programs.
Yes, you can.

I'm an international home business trainer and I do everything right from my gas expenses, no vehicle's all done right here.

If you think you'd like to know more, please visit my profile, I'll gladly share more info with you!
You鈥檙e probably not going to get rich, but it is possible to earn thousands of dollars a month doing Freebie trading, I made $300 in my first 2 weeks. I had to pay a fee to get started but I will show you how to do freebie trading FREE!You make money right away and you have the money sent to your paypal account each day! Let me know if you are interested, email me

I tried a method some time back when I was starting out. It used to make me around $300 per week. I haven't tried it in some time, though I'm sure it still works as the method cannot dry out. Its VERY DIFFERENT from the other s*** stuff here like Paid-To-Click etc and it doesn't require any money to start. Its all about 'a creative technique'. Let me know if you are interested, email me @


I have been working from home for 4 1/2 years.

It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email ..

I can help you get started and your training and web site is free.
There is a program with MoreNiche that I have recently joined. They are truely the best affiliate program. It is completely free to join and they give you step by step training on how to promote products online. All you do is post links for these companies (at zero cost to you) and you get paid. It's awesome. I copied the link for you.;ttp=3
Check out my profile and you will see a link to my blog. It will tell you about a great website where you can make an easy $50 to $150 a month doing 100% free surveys and offers.
if you are in a field of education,maybe tutorial if possible.secondly,build gen merchandise or grocery and use my PLDT DSL for bussiness at home.
you can make money online, please see this site

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