Saturday, July 31, 2010

Any advice on how to get into the online FOREX market,and or/other online trading markets?

I'm wanting to b able to control trades,with only a small amount of $ to begin with.Hopefully I can gain an understanding of trading online,my present day earning potential isn't that great,and the future savings picture(retirement,rainy days)looks pretty bleak.So I'm looking for ways to supplement and improve the picture.biggest problem=low beginning investment capital,can't go more than 1,000 to begin with.Best asset=still got a lot of time,and focused on preparing a better future.Any advice on how to get into the online FOREX market,and or/other online trading markets?
First things first, its imperative with investments such as FOREX or stocks, you use discretionary income. Savings accounts, IRAS, rainy day funds, ect, may not make you rich, but are important to hedge against market losses and essential to your financial security. But its both wise, and okay to have a smaller initial investment. With FOREX, you'll have great leverage in your favor anyway.

Its also great you have a lot of time, but regardless if you had one week, or one century, the worst mistake you could make would be jumping in with real money first. You'd have more fun lighting the money on fire and having the same result. Practice, paper-trade, play accounts, do it once and beat out the indexes and inflation, and you're off to a great start. Do it again, and again, and again. Read everything you can about which ever investment you decide upon, or your $1000 will be tuition for the markets and what you learn. Trust me, ask any trader and the majority jumped right in with real money, lost it all, and learned what they could have learned without losing the money. Don't believe the hype and scams about ';stock systems.'; Develop your own, formulate your own rules, and live and die by them.

But back to your request for advice, to sum it up. Practice with play accounts/demo accounts/paper-trade over and over again until you are 100% comfortable and have a good understanding of what it is you are investing in. That is the easiest and best way to get into online investing. Google search for some FOREX play accounts, these sites usually also have options for real accounts when you're ready with great leverage, 100:1, even 200:1 I can recall seeing.

Best of luck.Any advice on how to get into the online FOREX market,and or/other online trading markets?
There is a TON of money to be made in forex with daily interests, but few people even know about it!

Let me give you a realistic example:

Every country or union sets its own interest rate for the currency used in that country, just like the Federal Reserve sets the prime rate for the U.S. Dollar. For example, suppose the USD currently has an annual yield 5.25% which was decided by the Federal Reserve. And suppose the Swiss Franc currently yields 3.25%, decided by their government. One charges you interest鈥?the other pays you interest and the difference, in this case 2% annually, is yours to keep. Interest is paid daily!

People mistakenly believe 2% annually is nothing special because they can get more than that at the bank. What they fail to realize is that this interest is paid on the leveraged amount you have in the market! We'll explain leveraging in detail later, but for now this example illustrates the effect on the 2% interest:


You deposit $2,000 in your trading account

You decide to use 10%($200) for trading

You elect to leverage at 200 to 1

Your $200 controls $40,000

$40,000 x 2% = $800.00 =

40% annual return on your $2000

$2000.00 in a bank account at 5% per year would take 8 years to earn $800.00.

This example only addresses the interest. Send me an email if you'd like to know more about it.
I really recommend a report, Compare and Contrast Expert Forex advice. I read through it because I was struggling with who could I trust and who was right and were their promises or implied promises realistic or just something they said to make a sale. You can get a free sample chapter of Compare and Contrast Expert Forex advice at:

You may decide that you don't want to invest in Forex at all, or at least not right now -- but either way you'll have more confidence in your decision, that much I'm sure!
Forex could be very be very frustrsting to operate when you dont have the right toolbox to run an unpredictable system.

You could invest in companies who are proffesionals in investment sector, then they pay you back the agreed RIO. I have used companies like Carribean Softwares(, and they have never failed me once since 2003.

You could contact me if you want more about investments, just make sure your subject is ';INVESTMENT TIPS'; and/or You MUST learn with the demo accounts first if you only have $1000 to use but as the other guy says, first make sure that you can afford to lose it.

Good for you though, take your time and don't try to get rich too quickly, that would be the easiest and biggest trap to fall into.

Good luck.
Hi, i recommand you a good and basic tutorial for investing. it covers all Issues related to your Investing and everything around it.

wish it will help you.

Good Luck , Best Wishes!

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