Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are there any sites online where i can find lamaze videos? Or advice on easing labor pain naturally?

I'm heading toward 36 weeks with my third baby. And I've never tried lamaze before. Are there any websites that have videos for lamaze? Or really anything to help ease the pain naturally(i never had pain medication with my other labors either). I want this birth to be as uncomplicated as possible since its looking to be the last.Are there any sites online where i can find lamaze videos? Or advice on easing labor pain naturally?
I never used special breathing, I breathed normally and tried not to hold my breath or clench/tense my body during contractions. I used head packs on my back and labored in a tub for a lot of my labor. I think vocolizing and having a great support person will really help with the pain :-) I agree that Ina May has great books out there! GOOD LUCKAre there any sites online where i can find lamaze videos? Or advice on easing labor pain naturally?
You can try youtube for some videos. Look up the bradley method or hypnobabies for easing labor pain. Books written by Ina May or Dr. William Sears help too.

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