Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is the best online resource for medical assistance/diagnosis/advice?

Hello. I do not use very many on-line sources of medical information, but I do read a lot about medical issues. I do not trust every one or every source as it seems to me that the mainstream medical community is joined at the hip to the drug companies, today. It seems if the only treatment for medical issues is more chemical drugs from the doctors, per the orders of the drug companies. Huge profits, huge profits, huge profits seem to be the real focus of the day, and not our health. And, you may have noticed like I have, that anything ';Natural'; or ';Alternative'; is looked down upon in today's medical treatments, even by the FDA which is responsible for regulating drugs in this country. Well, do you know that until 60 years ago (the real beginning of the huge growth of the drug companies) Natural Medicine, along with Good Nutrition were the main ways of treating diseases and staying healthy. But the chemical methods of today has pushed the natural treatments to the far corners of medical care and given them the name of ';Alternative Treatments.'; Chemical medications and all, in my opinion, should be called ';Alternative Treatments,'; since natural medicine and treatments were here, first. (Who do you know of who has been diagnosed with a shortage of chemicals in their body? But, real research has proven time and time again that poor nutrition, and exposure to Toxins and Parasites does lead to disease.) Why are natural treatments so looked down up; because they cannot be patented by the huge drug companies to increase their already huge profits!!! Staying healthy should not be so confusing, which is pretty simple to me from doing self study and reading on the subject. One source that I do trust is Dr. Hulda R. Clark, Ph.D., N.D. whose flagship book is ';The Cure For All Diseases.'; (See the links below as well for a good second source, also. Notice that one source is about the important of good nutrition.) This brillant lady is a reseach scientist who discovered the two causes of diseases, Toxins and Parasites. But, her research was not welcomed in this country and she was sued by the FDA and the FCC for practicing MD medicine without an MD license. She cannot work in this country any more (even though she still does speaking engagements mainly for the Natural Treatment medical community, it seems). She was forced to move her research and all to the country of Mexico, where apparently they are more open minded about natural treatments because people don't have so much money to spend on chemical medications and expensive medical procedures. I will close by saying that we (the United States) have the most expensive medical system in the world, but we do not do a very good job of teaching preventative health care like other countries who spend a lot less on keeping their citizenry healthy than this country does. The adage, ';An ounze of prevention is worth a pound of cure,'; is still revelant in today's health care world, even though most of us have forgotten it. Why do we have such a short memory? Good Luck to you and yours in your quest for excellent health !What is the best online resource for medical assistance/diagnosis/advice?
www.webmd.comWhat is the best online resource for medical assistance/diagnosis/advice?
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