Saturday, July 31, 2010

I am starting an Online Business, Not sure what to Register my business as, Can someone give me advice?

I am new to the whole legal side of Starting a Business, Me and my Fiance are doing this together and before I open up the website I want to be sure to have the Company Registered so everything is Legit. I will be selling Collectible products and Home Decor Products.

What type of Business is best for me to Register it under?

Limited Liability Company?

Sole Proprietor?


Which one is best for us and why?

Any information is highly appreciated.

Thank YouI am starting an Online Business, Not sure what to Register my business as, Can someone give me advice?
Well you have two things gonig on ... 1 is the ';business'; end of the buisiness, and the other is the ';online'; end.

You need to go through the local and state regulations to setup and register your buisness first. Look at to get started in the right direction.

Website piece ... comes later ... but you want to find a name. Your website name can be totally different then your business name, but to get started with registering an online name and getting web hosting i'd strongly recommend

If you need a website, seek someone professional to get it up and running. Believe me, in the web biz ... you get what you pay for. But you have to balance the cost for the functionality you seek. A good website with all the bells %26amp; whistles will run you aroun 1.5K to 3K. Anything cheaper, and you're better off doing it yourself to get the results you want.

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