Saturday, July 31, 2010

I have bought some vegetable seeds online to plant in my garden have never planted a thing before any advice?

the seeds are courgettes, tomatoes, herbs, lavender etc. i plan to remove the plants that are already growing to create a veggie garden. i have bought some blood, fish and bone fertiliser, but is this a good idea to use on veggies i hope to eat? any tips would be welcome.I have bought some vegetable seeds online to plant in my garden have never planted a thing before any advice?
It is best to plant the seeds inside in a green house first, because the birds will eat your seeds before they even have a chance. After they get about four inches tall, you can move them to pots, as before they are large enough to make it through the winter, they will be killed by frost. That way, you will have large plants to plant outside next spring and don't forget to mulch, mulch, mulch. As for the veggies, it really depends on what king they are. Look at the back of your packet cause it may be too late for them. That fertilizer should be fine to. Just remember, a little goes a long way.I have bought some vegetable seeds online to plant in my garden have never planted a thing before any advice?
Depends where you live, it might be better to sow them next spring, some will take about five months to harvest.
too late for this year

prepare the ground in autumn

invest in a propagator and follow the instructions on the seed packets
Well start them off in a greenhouse or inside in seed trays/propagator. With the weather as it is, you won't get anything if you put them straight out. Plant them in some good multipurpose compost and they'll do fine! Just remember to water them (but not too much) and feed them occasionally. Most seed packets withh have instructions on them anyway

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