Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice/ tips on starting an online ad agency?

I have great passion and a very brief/general understanding of 'most' online advertising methods such as SEO, Banners, Pay Per Click, etc...

What would be the best exercise or strategy to do, to be very confident enough to start up an online agency? I do not feel confident for some reason, is it a problem due to lack of in-depth knowledge in certain areas/tactics?Advice/ tips on starting an online ad agency?
don't do it. get a real job. never depend on others for your income.Advice/ tips on starting an online ad agency?
I would work with an established company to gain experience 1st.

1 Buy a domain

2. Setup of a web hosting

3. Create a website

4. Publish your website

For beginners I think yahoo web hosting is the best and easiest use. Yahoo has question and answer section that can solve most problems and direct phone line for additional support.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

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