Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can somebody tell where I can get in contact with a health expert online? I need weight gain advice.?

I'm a 17 year old male and have been underweight for as long as I can remember. I'm tall, around six foot, six foot one, and weigh just under the 8 and a half stone mark, I think that's around 119 pounds, maybe less. I'm visibly very thin, lanky I think is the correct word. From what I can remember my BMI (Body Mass Index) points to me being seriously underweight. To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing 'medically wrong' with me, I've had blood tests to check for various things and been given the all clear. I'm sure genetics has a lot to do with things, my mothers side of the family tend to all be tall and slim, but tall and slim and tall and 'thin' to me are two different things, to say they were 'thin' or 'skinny' would be a big exagerration. I suffer with an anxiety disorder which doesn't help things, most of the time I don't have an appetite, especially not in the mornings...if I get out of bed that is. I've been to the doctors again and he didn't tell me anything new.Can somebody tell where I can get in contact with a health expert online? I need weight gain advice.?
Many teenagers have a very high metabolic rate and so find it difficult to gain weight but as they grow older, they start putting on weight naturally. Check out for more information on gaining weight.Can somebody tell where I can get in contact with a health expert online? I need weight gain advice.?
Hmm.. I guess take food supplements which stimulate your appetite, but eat healthy foods because later on you might not want the extra weight. Hope I helped. :D
Check out Webmd there are so many doctors and resources on that website...
Good question. I'll be watching the answers you get, for I have had, in the past, a son with the same problem.

In his case, the meds he was taking for a condition caused lower appetite levels.

His doctor recommended eating a few more times a day, with the extra meals being healthy snacks like raw fruits and veggies. He also recommended protein bars and drinks.

Also, be certain to work on building muscle - you don't want the extra calories to turn to fat.

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