Thursday, August 19, 2010

I am a new online baby boutique owner, I need advice on how to promote my business on a small budget!?

I am looking for advice on how to market/advertise my online baby boutique with a very small advertising budget. I signed on with Network Solutions, and they have reworked my site to be more easily recognized by the search engines. I have also signed up for their keywords campaign. But at $700.00 a month, I don't think that is the best choice for me. I am at a loss with trying to figure it out on my own. My budget is very small. I am looking for ways to promote my boutique and bring in shoppers. I am so busy with all of the other facets of the business, that I don't have tons of time to devote to researching different ways of advertising. What are the best ways to get my boutique noticed and shopped? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I am very dedicated to the success of my boutique! Thank you!I am a new online baby boutique owner, I need advice on how to promote my business on a small budget!?
Instead of marketing globally on the internet, try marketing locally. Have people in your area visit your site. This can be done with flyers, direct mail, a nice brochure at every OB/GYN offfice in your area, as part of a nice package that new mothers usually get from the hospital after their child is born. It's much cheaper to focus locally, and it gives you the chance to talk to people which is the most effective form of marketing. Good Luck!I am a new online baby boutique owner, I need advice on how to promote my business on a small budget!?
U should try to outsource your seo. That is probably what the current seo company u are with is doing themselves. I know of a very good seo overseas who has done work for me and can create a very strong linkbuilding campaign to get u top 10 results in the major search engines for your keywords and he charges half of that per month. Just email me if u want his contact info.

Hes done very good work for me and has a small portfolio.

good luck
Go to and contact them about linking your web site. Linking always gets good exposure.

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