Thursday, August 19, 2010

I think I'm a good person, but I've secretly watched porn online for years. Advice? What does that mean?

Am I a bad guy? I'm 20 and not married or in a relationship.I think I'm a good person, but I've secretly watched porn online for years. Advice? What does that mean?
Means your normal.I think I'm a good person, but I've secretly watched porn online for years. Advice? What does that mean?
What this means is that you're uncomfortable watching porn because you believe that there is some taboo on it. I've been there and personally, I don't think there's anything particularly wrong about it. Are you a man of great religious convictions? Do you question why your religion tells you to do certain things? Or are you just uncomfortable because in your community, pornography is looked down upon.

I was talking to my friend about this (female friend) and she said that her largest problem with pornography is that it glorifies the dominance of men over women. At this point, I highly doubt that's your worry. My point in bringing this up is to tell you to look within yourself and identify what it is about porn that makes you uneasy.

Final Advice:

If you ever have a moral question about something, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Other people's advice will certainly be consistent with their moral values and will serve no greater purpose than to help you sleep easier at night. It won't give you answers.
What do you mean for years ?

You have taken up porn surfing when you were 15.

Well if you started watching porn very early on it will have a bearing on your sexuality, you should be aware that only extreme sexual experiences will fulfill you. You will be hardly happy with the boring in out in out, You have to take that into account
thanks guy for being honest not many do that, anyhow, it means that you are just like most guys--horny, stimulated by porn, and are questioning your actions--';what does that mean? which is the point of your question and other deeds that progress from wathcing. However, if you are a child of God--accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we cannot do this--it gives you lustful thoughts-- which makes you a sinner even if you are a great guy, gets you excited which usually or very commonly, leads to mbating, to get a misguided view of sexual development, sexual acts, and sexual aspects--relations with others--are all women easy, are all guys huge, is this how women like to have sex, and whatever else might come to mind.

Many relationship have been destroyed by men/guys becoming obsessed with watching pornography to the point that they tend to ';forget'; the wife or gf which makes the wife or gf feeling ';pushed away'; ignored and rejected.

I would suggest (you don't have to take it) to remove your computer to an open area--where anyone passing by will see what is being watched.

You say that you have been ';secretly watching porn'; which I would say

1. has this helped you? in any way possible? how so?

2. has it become an addiction for you? this can progress to other disturbing acts to meet your sexual interests and needs.

3. from the time you started watching, have you seen anything ';new'; or is it all the same?

4. how has this affected your view about sex.

I would like to hear from you so email me, no troll.
You are not a bad guy, you have just been sucked into another trap of the devil and our own flesh. It is not God's design to have women used as sex objects, and it will interfere with your normal sex life with a future wife or in a relationship if you are abusing it.
well watching porn has nothing to do with you being a good or a bad person. I know my dad watched porn and so did my step father and his brother and they are all good people and I don't find them interesting so I don't watchand i'm not a good person but I upload them for folks to watch on my site :)
What exactly is right with pornography? The answer is simple: absolutely nothing. It is a total perversion of one of God's greatest gifts to us鈥攖he gift of sexual intimacy between a husband and wife.

I could answer your question in many ways, of course, but in this limited space let me point out two reasons why pornography is wrong. First, it's wrong because of what it does to us. It appeals only to our self-centered, sinful, pleasure-seeking nature, and the more we get involved with it, the more we feed that nature and become captives to it. The Bible says, ';The sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit. ... They are in conflict with each other'; (Galatians 5:17).

Pornography is also wrong because of what it does to others. It treats others not as people but as objects, as playthings for our own selfish gratification. In other words, lust replaces love and that is wrong. This, incidentally, is why marriages based only on physical attraction seldom last.

Only Christ can forgive our sins, and only He can fill our lives with true joy and peace. Is your life committed to Him?

Youre a sinner like all of us. Turn to Jesus and confess with your moth and believe in your heart that He is the son of God come in the flesh for your salvation and to pay for your sins. Repent and be saved. Jesus will be your guide and you will turn from these earthly lusts.
You are a good person who watches porn. That is what it means. But you are going to have to find a real girlfriend. It's hard to send a valentine to your fist.
Your a guy, almost all of the guys i know watch porn! It's normal, you have hormones. Your not a bad person for watching porn.
It means that you think you're a good person but you watch porn.....

Sorry but that's secret or condemning tirade....
It means you like it. no biggie. you're human, human beings get horny.
you're old enough to do whatever you want within legal limits.
no ur a good person

i watch lezbo porn all the time.

does that mean im lezbo

im 12 2
';Advice'; means tips or pointers or something to warn and help you.
porn is meant for people like you and its better than leering at someone in the street so do not concern yourself.
I don't think you are bad for that unless its small children that you are watching... then that is...
It means that you are fooling yourself. No one can fool God. Jeremiah 17:9,10. You need to repent.
No your not a bad guy your normal,90% watch porn mostly Christians.
No, it doesn't make you a bad person. You just need some release; that's what porn is for!
I think it means you're human.
depends on the type of porn you watch
it means you have a healthy libido. no harm in that ;)
Isn't that pretty much the only reason people go online? What have I been missing?

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