Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the best marketing advice, or tip, you have? For marketing in person or online. Thank you in advance.?

I am just trying to gather and learn what I can about marketing. I have studied marketing but am still curious as to the advice others have.

Just for your reference I will be using this information in regards to marketing a private practice and an online education business.What is the best marketing advice, or tip, you have? For marketing in person or online. Thank you in advance.?
You are in luck. I'm a marketer. I have studied marketing and work in marketing.

Know your customer. Market to your customer as they want to be marketed too. Respect them. Don't assume that you know them. Study them. Be ethical. Don't be manipulative or deceptive.What is the best marketing advice, or tip, you have? For marketing in person or online. Thank you in advance.?
I've been a marketer for going on 9 years now, it can be a fun if you know and love what you do. However, if you ever need to market something i strongly recommend for any product, it can also be used to make alot of money. I dont know why they intend to make the opening page so gimicky but trust me it really is a great program that is Free! It prides itself on its 22 step in depth tutorial that will help you through any problems and they bring interested customers to you for free! Good Luck!

well i have a site what has teached me allot of stuff

and if you are intrested in that page and want to ask questions about it

my MSN and email addres is

the page is
You might want to check in on a business board, this is the etiquette board and we probably won't have the best marketing advice.
Take this to the small business forum and you will get better answers.

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